How to win at Roulette


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When you use our system you will be placing chips on streets, squares, and double streets, that is the way we cover 63% of the board and shows that you can win multiple times in a row.


We will show you a partial layout to see the full layout you have to purchase our book either directly with us or you can purchase it with Barnes and Noble, Amazon, or any of the other online of local book stores. If you would want it faster we have it in E-book as well.


As you can see in the spins above 29 came out, then 1 came out,  33 came out, and then 30 came out, each of these numbers are part of the way we place our chips on the table, so you would make money on each of the four winning spins in a row.

We will show you the partial layout below that we recommend in our book,

"How to win at roulette by Mr. Iwan Towin."

See if you bet this combination along with just a couple of more that we show you in our book, you would cover the 63% of the roulette wheel and thereby increasing your odds of winning dramatically.

You see the video above had a timeline of 1 minute and 45 seconds in that time you have WON 4 times in a row. Think if you had placed the bets the way we say in our book you would have WON nicely.







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